Cluttered with Kids Paper?!

Ah, back-to-school time. That magical time of year when parents everywhere are filled with a mix of excitement, dread, and a healthy dose of caffeine. But let's be real, one of the biggest challenges of the school year is managing all the papers that come home with our kiddos. Art projects, math worksheets, permission slips, and letters from the home and school association all seem to multiply like rabbits.

Papers have been one area of organizing that can get out of control quickly, speaking from experience. Every time life gets a little chaotic, it’s my papers that start piling up or getting lost. I too remember the stress from trying to locate that permission slip, saving every paper with a scribble on it, trying to remember which day to send my child in a special shirt for spirit week.

So, what's a parent to do? Fear not, busy mamas, for I have a solution that will make your life easier and your home less cluttered. I have spent time curating the perfect system for decluttering, organizing and maintaining the kids’ papers throughout the school year. Our system is a 3-step process:

  1. Declutter the papers as soon as they come home - use our free decluttering guide if you need help

  2. Store the important papers’ in the file box and hang the actionable items in your family command center

  3. Maintain the system - at the end of the school year take one pass through the folder and pare it down

Here's what you do: Get yourself a sturdy file box and one folder for each grade level. Label each folder with a grade level. You can add extra folders for things such as cards, health records, or sports (whatever you desire!). Then, as papers come home throughout the year, simply file them away in the appropriate folder. No more digging through stacks of paper to find that one elusive permission slip. No more frantic searches for that cute art project your child made in kindergarten.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But Linda, won't this just create more clutter?" Fear not, busy mama. The key is to periodically go through the folders and weed out the papers that are no longer needed. Trust me, your child's first-grade spelling test from three years ago is not going to bring you joy. To stay on top of it all, I highly recommend grabbing our kids’ papers decluttering guide, hanging it on the fridge or in your family command center, and decluttering those papers as they are coming in your home. You can grab it here.

Here at Bucks County Home Organizers, we believe in building an organizational framework that will grow with you throughout all the seasons of life. This system does just that. Year in and year out, you can continue to use this same system and know that your important kids’ papers are exactly where they need to be.

So, there you have it. A simple solution to the never-ending paper trail that comes with having school-aged children. And who knows, maybe you'll even have a little extra time to enjoy that cup of coffee before it gets cold. Happy organizing!


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