Embracing the Journey: A Renewed Commitment & Dedication to our Mission of Supporting Moms of Children with ADHD

As I settle into my seat to share these thoughts, life unfolds around me in a whirlwind of activity. Papers scatter across the table, crayons dance across the floor, and the sweet sound of my kid’s laughter fills the air, echoing through our home. This is my reality—a beautiful mess of organizing clients, homeschooling lessons, and the unique challenges that come with parenting a child with ADHD and a toddler.

When I first embarked on this journey as a professional organizer, I could never have anticipated the twists and turns it would take. Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs, and mine led me to where I am today: a homeschooling mom of two, navigating the complexities of ADHD while guiding others to find order in their lives.

It's not always easy. There are days when the overwhelm threatens to consume me, when the to-do list stretches endlessly before me, and when meltdowns feel inevitable. But amidst the chaos, there is beauty. There is joy in witnessing my son's eyes light up with curiosity, in transforming cluttered spaces into havens of peace, and in knowing that I am making a difference, both in my family and in the lives of others.

As a professional organizer, I bring a unique perspective to my work. I understand the vital role that structure, routine, and organization play in creating a sense of calm and stability, both at home and in the lives of my clients. I have experienced firsthand the transformative power of decluttering and simplifying, of finding peace amidst chaos, and of embracing the journey, wherever it may lead.

As I take a moment to look back on my personal journey and the evolution of BCHO, I'm filled with a profound sense of reflection and purpose. It's through the trials and triumphs of navigating ADHD within my own family that I've come to a heartfelt realization: our mission needs to evolve.

Today, with a renewed sense of commitment, I am compelled to refocus our efforts on a cause that hits close to home. I am dedicated to extending a compassionate hand to fellow parents of children with ADHD, recognizing the unique challenges they face in maintaining order amidst the daily chaos.

With the same unwavering dedication and care that has transformed our own lives, I am determined to guide and support these parents as they navigate the intricacies of streamlining their routines and spaces. It's a journey that I understand intimately, and one that I am honored to walk alongside them.

Through sharing our experiences, offering practical strategies, and providing a supportive community, I believe we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of these families. Together, we can create environments that foster calm, promote productivity, and ultimately, empower both parents and children to thrive amidst the challenges of ADHD.

This heartfelt decision marks a new chapter in our journey—a chapter filled with purpose, compassion, and a deep-seated commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of others. And I am grateful for the opportunity to embark on this journey together, hand in hand with those who understand the journey all too well.


Getting Kids Involved: Teaching Children to Stay Organized and Help Around the House